News From Us

We Participated in “Professional Promotion Days” Events in Izmir

In order to prepare our kindergarten students for the future by introducing them to different professions, we participated in the “Vocational Promotion Days” events organized at Aliağa Helvacı Primary School in Aliağa district of Izmir.

In the event held with the participation of our Izmir Branch Manager Murat Başar and our Izmir Branch Engineer Mustafa Eren Polater on behalf of Ölçek Mühendislik, our engineers explained to our students the intricacies and details of the Survey Engineering profession and its contributions to science with various examples and introduced our profession.

We would like to thank the school administration, our valuable teachers and our children who are the basis of our future, who contributed to the organization; We are happy to continue our support to education and science, based on the words of the founder of our Republic, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, “The one who loves his country the most is the one who does his duty best.”