News From Us

Our Works Done in Erzurum

As Ölçek Mühendislik, we continue our work at full speed. We undertook the preparation of the axis location, reservoir area and irrigation area topographic maps of 5 ponds in total, route applications and expropriation plans within the scope of the “Erzurum Province Pond and Irrigation Planning Report and Project Construction 5th Part” work we carried out in Erzurum.

The work area details of the study are given below;

Oltu Handere Pond and Irrigation:

It is aimed to irrigate approximately 400 ha of agricultural land.

Oltu Çengelli Pond and Irrigation:

It is aimed to irrigate approximately 180 ha of agricultural land.

Arman Yukarıyayla Pond and Irrigation:

It is aimed to irrigate approximately 212 ha of agricultural land.

Olur Ormanağzı Pond and Irrigation:

It is aimed to irrigate approximately 120 ha of agricultural land.

Tortum Aksu Pond and Irrigation:

It is aimed to irrigate approximately 137 ha of agricultural land.